SDDS’ 44th Annual MidWinter Convention
Presented by the Sacramento District Dental Society
February 27-28, 2025
SDDS MidWinter Convention Exhibitor Rules and Regulations
These rules and regulations govern the SDDS’ 44th Annual MidWinter Convention (MidWinter) and are part of the exhibitor contract. The interpretation and enforcement of the rules and regulations by conference management are final. Matters not specifically covered by these rules and regulations are subject to the discretion of conference management. All decisions made by the MidWinter regarding the enforcement of rules and regulations under this contract shall be final and binding.
Eligibility to be an exhibitor at the MidWinter is limited to organizations whose products and/or services relate directly to the practice of dental medicine. The MidWinter reserves the right to reject any exhibitor application.
Assignment of Exhibit Booth Space
Priority is given in the following order: 1. MidWinter Sponsors; 2. SDDS Vendor Members; and 3. Exhibitors. After that, booths are assigned on a first-come, first-paid basis. Full payment is required for booth space allocation.
Management reserves the right to make final determination of all space assignments, including changing the floor plan or reassigning booth space if necessary, in the best interest of the convention exhibit floor. If exhibit space is sold out, companies will be placed on a waiting list based on date of receipt and payment of application. Management retains the right to refuse display space to SDDS MidWinter Convention.
Booth Dimensions | Floor Covering Requirements
Exhibit booths are 10’ x 10’ or 10’ x 20’ in size. Backwall drapes are eight feet high and sidewall drapes are three feet high. Fire code regulations prohibit exhibits from extending into aisles. The Exhibit Hall flooring is carpeted.
Booth Setbacks and Unobstructed Sight Lines
The Exhibit floor plan and rules and regulations are designed to allow unobstructed sight lines for all exhibitor booths. If your booth configuration obstructs sight lines (e.g., your booth height exceeds eight feet), contact Della Yee at before you request a booth. You may be placed on the perimeter of the exhibit floor, as some perimeter booths can accommodate backdrops of up to 12 feet. A 12-foot backdrop request must be written on the exhibitor contract and approved in advance. This does not exempt exhibitors from maintaining a setback of six feet in from the front and sides of booths.
Standard In-Line Booth Guidelines
The maximum back wall height and maximum height of booth components is eight feet. Booth components are restricted to a height of three feet for the first six feet from any aisle (i.e. only four feet into the booth from the rear of the booth may exceed three feet in height). Hanging above booths is prohibited. Display booths cannot block views of other booths, either beside or behind the booths. Exhibits with backlight must be equipped with a back shield to prevent light interference with the booth behind.

Subletting, Sharing, or Reassignment
Subletting, sharing, or reassignment of by an exhibitor is strictly prohibited. The exhibitor agrees not to sublet or share space or any part thereof contracted for, nor to exhibit, advertise, or offer for sale merchandise or services other than those manufactured or sold by the exhibiting company in the regular course of business.
Public Aisles
Public aisles may not be used by exhibitors. All business must be conducted within the booth and display materials must be arranged so that attendees are not required to stand in the aisles to examine products unless pre-approved by show management. Exhibitors cannot use tables outside of their booths to conduct business.
Default of Occupancy
Exhibitors must be show-ready by 10:00 am on Thursday, February 27, 2025. Failure to occupy space by the designated set-up time does not excuse payment in full for the contracted booth. The onsite contact for the company must check in with show management or American Exposition Services no later than 9:00 am on Thursday, February 27, or the exhibitor will be considered a “no show.” Space will be reassigned at the discretion of show management. No-shows at the conference do not get a refund and may not be allowed to exhibit at the next MidWinter.
Removing display items and/or dismantling a booth before the scheduled breakdown time for exhibitors is a violation of this contract and will be considered the same as a no-show.
Merchandise Removal
A written release is required to remove material from the exhibit floor after the first day of installation through the last day of dismantling. Official release forms will be available at AES’ service desk. Materials remaining on the exhibit floor after 4:00 pm on Friday, February 28, 2025, will be removed at the expense of the exhibitor.
Exhibitor Personnel | Badges
Exhibitor booths must be staffed during the scheduled hours of the exhibit hall. Exhibitor badges are for the exhibitor’s company staff only and must be worn at all times. The exhibitor reserving the space is responsible for letting conference management know the names of their staff members by February 7, 2025. Additional exhibitor badges are available for $250, which includes all meals served in the exhibit hall. Dentists, hygienists, assistants, lab technicians who are employed and registered for the conference through an exhibitor can attend CE classes, but they must register for the conference as an attendee and pay the appropriate fees to receive a certificate of attendance and access to lecture notes. Exhibitors will incur a $25 fee for each replacement badge.
Booth Payment
Booth fee payments can be made by credit card or check payable to the Sacramento District Dental Society. If full payment is not received by December 30, 2024, the company will forfeit any deposits made and their booth will be put back into inventory for resale. No company will be allowed to exhibit unless full payment for exhibit space is received.
Exhibitor Cancellation
Written notice of cancellation must be received by the dates listed below to receive a refund. Send requests to Exhibitor cancellation requests must be received in writing by December 30, 2024 to receive a refund.
Refund schedule:
• Full refund of exhibit space fees paid (less $100 administrative fee): through November 15, 2024
• 50% refund (less $100 administrative fee): November 16, 2024 – December 30, 2024
• No refunds: After December 30, 2024
Conference Cancellation and Postponement Policy
In the event the SDDS MidWinter Convention must cancel its in-person programming due to acts of God, government regulation, war, terrorism, disasters, strikes, civil disorder, curtailment of transportation facilities, public health emergency (epidemic, pandemic or similar), or any other emergency beyond the reasonable control of show management, the MidWinter will refund or credit in full the paid exhibit booth fees. However, MidWinter does not assume responsibility for any additional costs, charges, or expenses, including but not limited to costs incurred for travel and lodging. If the conference is postponed or transformed into a virtual event, paid exhibitors will be given the option to transfer their payment to the rescheduled dates or the virtual conference or receive a full refund upon written receipt of the exhibitor’s desire to cancel.
Floor Plan Changes
The exhibitor agrees that show management shall have the right to make changes to the floor plan arrangement of booths as it shall deem necessary.
Pre-Show Inspection and Violation Notice
A final walk-through will take place by conference management beginning at 8:00 am on Thursday, February 27, 2025. Any booths not meeting the rules and regulations outlined in this exhibitor prospectus violate show standards. A violation notice, stipulating required action, will be posted in the booth. If an exhibitor receives a violation notice, they must correct the problem by 9:00 am on Thursday, February 27, 2025 or their booth will be dismantled at the expense of the exhibitor. Violations include exceeding booth height and width restrictions as specified in this exhibitor prospectus. No refunds are issued for booths that are dismantled due to a violation of the booth construction guidelines.
Exhibit Hall Access for Booth Set Up and Break Down
Exhibitor acknowledges that the exhibit hall and surrounding areas are active work zones. Exhibitor, its agents, employees, and representatives are present at their own risk. In the interest of safety, only those individuals directly responsible for set up and/or tear down of booths are permitted in the exhibit area. No one under the age of 16 is allowed in the Exhibit Hall during installation and dismantling of exhibits—no exceptions.
Exhibitor/Sponsor Policies
Exhibitors/sponsors agree to observe the MidWinter’s policies on events, activities, hospitality suites, and raffles as a condition of exhibiting and/or sponsoring. Any event or other form of planned presentation that is scheduled during a MidWinter event, other than those approved by the MidWinter, is regarded as an exhibit/sponsor contract violation.
Industry Events and Activities
All requests for any exhibitor/sponsor events and/or activities must first be approved by the MidWinter. Competing events are prohibited, including seminars, sessions, or receptions conducted at one of the conference contracted properties or off property during any MidWinter scheduled activity.
Suitcasing is a business practice in which companies not exhibiting will gain access to the event by obtaining some type of event credential (attendee badge, exhibitor badge, etc.) and then solicit business in the exhibit all or other public space used for the conference. This practice skirts the support of the organizer and the industry. The MidWinter has a zero-tolerance policy regarding suitcasing. If there is someone who has obtained credentials for the sole purpose of suitcasing, they will be asked to leave the conference immediately.
Raffles are permitted and encouraged. Raffle drawings are permitted within a booth, but the exhibit hall and/or MidWinter public address system cannot promise its use to promote these raffles in any way, or to announce the winners. Exhibitors must make it clear, both during and after the conference, that the raffle is theirs and not an official MidWinter raffle.
Animals and Music
Animal exhibition in your booth requires pre-authorization. Exhibitors must submit a written request to show management before space assignment. Pets and companion animals are not permitted. Official support animals must be leashed at all times.
Music in the booth space or at any function held in conjunction with this conference is subject to applicable copyright and licensing fees charged by ASCAP and/or BMI. It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to pay applicable fees. For more information about licensing fees, visit or Music level must not disturb adjacent booths.
No Outside Food and Beverage Allowed
The MidWinter’s agreement with SAFE Credit Union’s in-house caterer, SAVOR, prohibits any food or beverage from outside sources brought into the exhibit booths unless contracted with its catering department. Any exhibitor that brings in unauthorized food and/or beverages will be asked to cease serving or risk confiscation of any such items. Additionally, such violation may result in action by the MidWinter to remove the entire display and booth representative from the exhibit floor altogether at the violator’s expense. The exhibitor understands and accepts these terms as contracted obligations with the SAVOR and MidWinter.
Labor and Drayable/Shipping
All advanced shipments must be addressed:
c/o American Exposition Services (AES) 1341 N. Market Blvd., Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95834
All items must be marked with the following information:
To: (your name)
Exhibiting company: (your company name)
Name of exhibition: 2025 MidWinter Convention | Booth number: (your assigned booth number)
Exhibitor Service Kit
Exhibitor service kits are emailed to exhibitors after receipt of full payment and booths have been assigned. You will be sent a link directly from AES to the online service kit which will include order forms for items you will need in your booth, additional electrical, shipping information and rates.
All services customarily required by exhibitors are available at current rates. These services include decorating, drayage, electrical, furniture rental, computer rental, sign printing, carpenter services, storage, general labor, plumbing, photography, special cleaning/porter service, florist, and telephone services. Acceptance of exhibit space by an exhibitor constitutes agreement to use only the MidWinter official suppliers. Exhibitors may not use an independent contractor for any of the above services.
Exhibitors and Convention Promotion
The names of exhibiting companies (past and present) may be used by the Sacramento District Dental Society for promotional purposes. Photos/video taken during the convention by SDDS staff or designated photographers may be used by the Sacramento District Dental Society for promotional purposes.
Labor Jurisdictions
All work performed in the exhibit area is under union jurisdiction and under safety jurisdiction. Show management and all exhibitors are expected to comply with the unions and with fire and safety requirements in effect. In the interest of safety, continuity, security, and control, the following are understood as exclusive services if provided by AES: material handling, receipt/unloading of inbound Federal Express and UPS shipments, audio visual, rigging, electrical, plumbing, and custom cleaning. Should the facility provide some or all of the following services: electrical, plumbing, compressed air, sign hanging, cleaning of certain areas, and phones, their work rules and union jurisdictional issues would apply for these services.
AES has a great relationship with all unions. They work very closely with them to create a positive work environment that enables them to deliver the highest quality of service. Their effective leverage of these relationships provides greater efficiencies to the exhibitors. AES anticipates that all contracts up for renewal will result in non-contentious resolutions.
Decorators Union (Exhibitor Labor) Members of this union claim jurisdiction over all set-up and dismantling of exhibits including signs and laying of carpet. This does not apply to unpacking and placement of your merchandise. Full-time employees of exhibiting companies may set up their own exhibits provided that one person can accomplish the task in less than ½ hour without the use of tools. If your exhibit preparation, installation, or dismantling requires more than ½ hour, you must use union personnel supplied by the official service contractor. If union labor is required, your company personnel may work along with a union installer on a one-to-one basis.
Teamsters Union (Freight Handling)
Members of this union claim jurisdiction on the operation of all material handling equipment, all unloading and reloading, and handling of empty containers. An exhibitor may move materials that can be carried by hand, by one person in one trip, without the use of dollies, hand trucks, or other mechanical equipment.
All exhibitors are expected to comply with any union requirements in effect and as outlined in the official exhibitor service kit.
AES work rules prohibit the solicitation or acceptance of tips in cash, product, or gifts in kind by any employee (union or non-union). AES employees are paid appropriate wages denoting professional status, therefore tipping of any kind is not allowed.
Make shipping easy. With AES Transportation, you can save time, money, and unwanted hassle. Through the AES Exhibitor Services Department, exhibitors can reach a specialist ready to assist in getting your exhibit materials to and from the show. AES Transportation can arrange ground, air, or expedited shipping so you are assured your materials will arrive on time.
Exhibitor Services Specialists can be reached 8:00 am–5:00 pm (PST) at 916.925.3976 or
Fire Code Regulations
All exhibitors must comply with all fire code laws, rules, and regulations governing the State of California and the City of Sacramento.
The exhibitor agrees to make no claim for any reason whatsoever against the MidWinter Convention, the Sacramento District Dental Society, the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center or American Exposition Services and their officers, directors, employees, agents, and authorized representatives, for any of the following: loss, theft, damage to goods, or injury to himself, his employees, or attendees while in the exhibition area, nor any consequential damage to his business for failure to provide space for the exhibit or for the failure to hold the event as scheduled.
The exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless all parties from claims, losses, damages to persons or property, governmental charges for fines, and attorney’s fees related to the use of the exhibition premises or part thereof. In addition, exhibitor acknowledges that neither the MidWinter Convention, the Sacramento District Dental Society, the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, or American Exposition Services maintain insurance covering exhibitor’s property and that it is the sole responsibility of exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property insurance covering such losses by exhibitor.
Exhibitors are required to provide a copy of proof of liability insurance listing the MidWinter Convention, Sacramento District Dental Society, SAFE Credit Union Convention Center and American Exposition Services as additional insureds. Please email proof of insurance to SDDS at
Care of Building
Acceptance of exhibit space makes it obligatory on the part of the exhibitor and any employee that they shall not deface, injure, or mar the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center. Decorations, signs, banners, etc., may not be taped, nailed, stapled, or otherwise fastened to ceilings, walls, doors, windows, painted surfaces, or columns. Any damage done shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor and not the MidWinter, the Sacramento District Dental Society, or the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center.
The MidWinter Convention, Sacramento District Dental Society, SAFE Credit Union Convention Center and American Exposition Services, nor any of their officers, directors, members, employees, or agents are not liable for any exhibitor property loss or damage. Exhibitors should not leave in their booths any valuable items that can be hand-carried.